France: solidarity with the four postal workers of the Paris Arrondissement 92

The PTS (Partido de Trabajadores Socialistas) from Argentina expresses its solidarity with the four postal workers of the Paris Arrondissement 92 who were arrested on May 21st. They have been leading a strike against precarious employment and dismissals for more than 3 months. We send our solidarity to the strikers and the NPA, the political organisation of Gaël Quirante, one of the detainees. We condemn the Hollande government’s persecution of the workers and its criminalization of social protest and we demand their immediate release.
As part of an international campaign, deputies, legislators and leading members of the PTS and the FIT express their condemnation of these repressive measures.
Nicolás Del Caño (National deputy - PTS/FIT)
Christian Castillo (Provincial deputy- PTS/FIT)