Internationalist Solidarity

Stop the repression and murder. Solidarity with the workers, youth and the Egyptian people in struggle


On Friday 18/11, tens of thousands of people returned to Tahir Square. Once more the iconic square it is filled with young people who are fighting against the attempt of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to reserve for itself the right to review any article of the new Constitution that – according to its own criteria – contradicts the "basic principles of the State". The army also wants the control over anything that has to do with the armed forces, like the budget. The new constitution should be drafted by legislators who will be elected in the elections taking place on November 28, 2011. The brutal repression launched by the military government, which claimed the lives of more than 30 people and left hundred of injured in four days, only deepened the mobilization. Given the acute crisis, the entire government led by Prime Minister Essam Sharaf presented its resignation. The Army announced that it will leave power earlier than previously agreed (July 2012) but the social tensions have increased and the people are still on the streets.

The organizations in the Trotskyist Fraction - Fourth International, welcome the renewed mass mobilization of workers, youth and the poor of Egypt, and we call for internationalist solidarity to support it.

The fall of the dictator Hosni Mubarak, an old partner of USA imperialism and guarantor of its interests in the region, represented the highest moment during the events in January and February 2011. During those days we saw strikes, protests and marches, which, in no way, marked the end of the revolutionary process. On the contrary, the protests and workers’ struggles that have been taking place this year show that the overthrow of the dictator was only a first step and that the demands of the workers and the people of Egypt remain.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, in power since the fall of Mubarak, is attempting to derail the revolutionary process, by calling to entrust in the government of the military junta. But they are t the continuation of the old regime, basic freedoms like the right to go on strike have been suppressed – the army has maintained the essence of the security apparatus and military justice. Proofs of this are the trials of 12,000 activists, militants and journalists in military courts, the brutal repression of government critics and of activist who are fighting against the government. Activists and social and political organisations have also denounced the use of torture and the assassination of activist. In addition, the militaries respect the peace treaties with the State of Israel and the alliance with imperialism.

We would like to express our solidarity with the workers who have continued fighting against the military government and its agents, not only through strikes and demonstrations, but also facing the trade union bureaucracy by organising themselves with the aim of setting new organizations like the Federation of Independent Trade Unions.

We support the young people and workers who have returned to Tahrir Square, especially those who have suffered repression and persecution. We demand for those responsible for this new wave of repression that has already killed over 30 people in recent days to be put on trial.

We believe that the workers, the youth and those mobilized on the streets, who have been doing their own experience, can not entrust the call of the Supreme Council of the Armed Force to find a negotiated solution neither to entrust the proposal of a government of "national salvation",

In our opinion, only the independent mobilization of the youth, workers from the cities and rural areas can ensure compliance with their demands, with the perspective of an insurrectional general strike that topples down the dictatorial regime of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and puts in place a workers and people’s government.

 Stop the repression, persecution and assassinations!

 Trial and punishment for those responsible in the repression!

 Victory to the mobilisation of the workers, youth and people of Egypt!


PTS (Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas, Socialist Workers Party), from Argentina, the LTS-CC (Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo – Contracorriente, Workers League for Socialism – Against the current), from México, the LOR-CI (Liga Obrera Revolucionaria por la Cuarta Internacional, Revolutionary Workers League - Fourth International), from Bolivia, LER-QI (Liga Estrategia Revolucionaria, Revolutionary Strategy League - Fourth International), from Brazil, PTR-CcC (Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios, Revolutionary Workers Party), from Chile, LTS (Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo, Workers League for Socialism) from Venezuela, LRS (Liga de la Revolución Socialista, Socialist Revolutionary League), from Costa Rica, CcC (Clase Contra Clase ,Class against Class), from the spanish State, TF-FI supporters in Uruguay, RIO Group, supporting section in Germany, and TF militants in the CCR/Plataforma 4 NPA, Nuveau Parti Anticapitaliste, New Anticapitalist Party) from France.

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