Articles in English

  • "Economic and social policy guidelines," under discussion

    CUBA: Are the people the ones who decide?

    13.12.2010 The call to the Congress and the publication of the "Guidelines" for economic and social policy opened a new scene on the island, by generating a process of political discussion at a national level.

    Author Eduardo Molina
  • Wikileaks

    Cablegate and the decline of the United States

    06.12.2010 Once again, the vulnerability of state secrets and the divisions, not only between Democrats and Republicans, but also among the upper echelons of political and military power themselves, as happened with the documents about Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Author Claudia Cinatti
  • Lessons from the Class Struggle in France

    A New Stage Begins

    22.11.2010 The trade union leaderships let the pension reform pass despite the enormous resistance of the workers and youth

    Author Juan Chingo
  • US

    Obama’s defeat in the mid-term elections [Part 1 of 2]

    08.11.2010 The big Republican victory shows a big political setback for Barack Obama's administration, rather than the strength of the Republicans. The White House was expecting the "backlash" from the population, that is suffering the consequences of the biggest economic crisis since the 1930 recession.

    Author Celeste Murillo
  • France

    A new cycle of the class struggle and the need for a revolutionary party

    03.11.2010 The current struggle of the French workers and youth represents an obvious leap compared to the previous cycle of the class struggle that began in 1995. It is announcing a higher level of class struggle, more open, more radicalized and more classical, that is, with greater centrality of the working class and with a protagonist role of students workers and in the factories.

  • Argentina: Left activist murdered

    Pedraza and the thugs of the trainworkers union: murderers

    23.10.2010 The gang of thugs organised by José Pedraza and the bureaucracy of the railway workers' union, (Unión Ferroviaria), attacked a group of sacked workers from the General Roca Line with firearms, murdering the Partido Obrero activist Mariano Ferreyra and injuring two other protesters.

  • Tendencies towards radicalization threatened by the treacherous leaderships of the trade unions

    Historic day of demonstrations in France

    19.10.2010 Following three days of protests against the pension reform since the end of the summer (September 7 and 23, and October 2), the government is betting on an ebbing of the demonstrations. However, the situation is evolving rapidly and the next few days will be decisive. There is clearly a leap in the social movement, whose perspective in the face of the lack of leadership is still uncertain.

    Author Ciro Tappeste , Juan Chingo
  • A fierce blow against Zapatero and his austerity plans

    A big workers’ demonstration in the Spanish state

    06.10.2010 A general strike, picket lines, and mass marches The working class has said "Enough!". It has shown its strength and is opening the possibility that the situation will make a turn, and we workers will begin to strengthen our ability to struggle against the historic attacks that are being prepared. The day was marked by hundreds of conflicts, that as a whole constitute a step forward in this sense. In this first article we cannot describe all of those struggles, but we can describe those we participated in.

    Author Santiago Lupe
  • Polemic with the PSTU-LIT

    Cuba: Political revolution or "democratic revolution"?

    29.09.2010 The media stir around Fidel Castro's statement that "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us any more", an obvious gesture of support for his brother Raúl's policies of "updating the model" and the subsequent denial of that statement, is an expression of the fact that Cuba is immersed in a dynamic political process, caused by the difficult economic situation and the pro-market and fiscal belt-tightening measures, like the firing of 500,000 government workers.

    Author Diego Dalai
  • Latin America

    Argentina: Widespread seizures of schools in Buenos Aires

    02.09.2010 We interviewed Lola, General Secretary of the Students Center of the school Normal 1, and an activist in No Pasarán. Normal 1 has been occupied since Monday, August 23. There are now 22 schools occupied by their students, in the context of the struggle of Buenos Aires high school students.

    Author PTS, Argentina
  • Afghanistan: US, get out!

    Crimes & crises of imperialist war

    07.08.2010 The magnitude of the leaking of these military documents is an extremely telling sign of the profound divisions in the military leadership and government over what is the best exit strategy that will allow concealing that after nine years of occupation, the war in Afghanistan is an unwinnable war for the United States.

    Author Claudia Cinatti
  • United States: New threats against immigrants

    Soldiers and racists are patrolling the border

    27.07.2010 The White House is responding to Governor Jan Brewer's law and to the intensification of activity by racist and xenophobic groups with ... an unenthusiastic lawsuit. This is how Obama plans to confront a law that social, political and human rights organizations are already condemning as the institutionalization of racism!

    Author Celeste Murillo
  • Press Release - PTS, Argentina

    We Salute the Victory of the Stefani Workers

    12.07.2010 The Party of Socialist Workers (PTS) salutes the triumph of the Yes vote which the comrades of the Stefani ceramics factory manages with more than five thousand votes n favor against the 47 who voted for No proposed by the town’s Mayor.

    Author PTS, Argentina
  • Latin America

    US soldiers, get out of Costa Rica!

    08.07.2010 Military penetration of the country only corresponds to the US plans of militarization (led by Obama), the aim of which is put what they consider their backyard under complete control, before possible social upheavals, while they continue taking positions in alliance with, and with the complete backing of the local governments.

    Author LRS, Costa Rica
  • European economic crisis

    France: An impressive one-day strike and mobilization

    08.07.2010 The one-day strike on June 24 against Sarkozy's pension reform had big repercussions. Although it was not as big as last year's day-long strikes, it was the biggest strike since September, with around 2 million demonstrators in the streets, according to the unions.

    Author Ciro Tappeste
  • European economic crisis

    Italy: A strike against austerity!

    03.07.2010 Both the strike and the resistance by the Fiat workers in Naples, show that there exists a willingness to confront the austerity plans they want to impose, but at the same time it shows the impotent politics of the CGIL leadership.

    Author Gustavo De Biase
  • Against hunger wages

    Strike and workers’ mobilization in Bangladesh

    03.07.2010 On June 21, in Bangladesh, more than 50,000 working men and women mobilized on the outskirts of Dhaka, the capital. This mobilization, which blocked one of the main highways that connect the capital to the northern part of the country, was the culmination of two weeks of protests, strikes and street actions in the main industrial districts.

    Author Celeste Murillo
  • Homosexuality

    Socialism and the homosexual question

    17.06.2010 Down with sexual oppression! Down with all the laws and regulations that discriminate against and repress gays, lesbians, transvestites, and transsexuals! Full rights for non-heterosexual people!

    Author Andrea D’Atri
  • Spanish state

    First big workers’ protest against Zapatero’s austerity plan

    17.06.2010 On June 8 the first big protest against the austerity measures announced by Zapatero took place. Two and a half million public workers were called to a strike to protest against the 5% cut in their wages, against the freezing of pensions and the elimination of social benefits. This is the beginning of a long struggle to defeat the government of the PSOE [Socialist Party] and the rest of the bosses' parties that are betting on carrying out an historic austerity plan on our shoulders.

    Author Santiago Lupe
  • Middle East

    A new crime of Zionist state

    04.06.2010 On May 31, the Israeli navy opened fire on an international flotilla that was trying to deliver a cargo of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and in that way break the brutal air, land and maritime blockade imposed by the State of Israel and Egypt since the beginning of 2007, with the explicit support of the United States and the European Union.

    Author Claudia Cinatti
  • The spill from the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico: BP, Halliburton and Obama’s administration are responsible!

    An enviromental disaster

    27.05.2010 For the first ten days, the big media kept quiet about the facts. Now, when the spill has become the worst ecological crisis in history, the atrocity that capitalist businessmen and the United States political regime committed has begun to come out.

    Author Carlos Brown
  • Teachers take the floor (and seize a TV channel)

    In Greece, they are discussing the media "law"

    27.05.2010 The occupation of the TV channel scarcely lasted for a few hours, but it reminded us of the media occupied by the Mexican people of Oaxaca during the long months of 2006. The Greek teachers took the floor decisively, and they made themselves heard.

    Author Daniel Satur
  • Statement of the Fracción Trotskista-Cuarta Internacional

    European crisis and greek workers’ struggle. An warning call to workers around the world.

    21.05.2010 The ‘mega-bailout’ permits gaining time relative to the imminent dangers that were opening about the euro, and, at the same time, about the sustainability of several of the biggest European banks, especially of France and Germany. However, still does not resolve the fundamental contradictions of the euro zone, which has exposed the biggest crisis of capitalism since the decade of the 1930s.

  • Bolivia

    A workers’ opposition to Evo Morales’ government

    14.05.2010 The nationalization of four companies appeared lackluster after the electoral slip in April and in the midst of a distancing from the workers’ unions, who this time weren’t present in the Murillo Plaza but instead they were in the streets demanding a salary increase.

    Author David Dias
  • Crisis in Europe

    General strike in Greece

    10.05.2010 On Wednesday, May 5, the Greek workers led the third general strike this year, while the Giorgos Papandreou government is preparing to approve the austerity plan. La Verdad Obrera interviewed Stavros, a militant of the Greek Trotskyist organization OKDE (Organization of Internationalist Communists of Greece), that is participating in the process of mobilizations against the austerity plan.

    Author PTS, Argentina
  • Europe’s economic crisis

    Greece, a step away from default, the euro at risk

    10.05.2010 What is really in question is not the health of the Greek economy, but the viability of the euro, and, even more, the risk that the European crisis will spread over the weak "recovery" of the world economy.

    Author Paula Bach
  • Nuclear security summit

    The US seeks new allies against IRAN

    17.04.2010 Argentina's position against the Iranian regime explains, in part, the 15 minutes Obama gave Cristina [President of Argentina]. The Summit organized by imperialism discussed the alleged threat that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of terrorist organizations, in order to cover up an obvious fact, that the main nuclear danger for humanity are the enormous nuclear arsenals that the United States and Russia possess, besides the smaller arsenals that France and Great Britain have.

    Author Claudia Cinatti
  • Costa Rica

    Mobilizations in defense of university autonomy

    17.04.2010 This Monday, April 12, the most serious police raid on the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) in the last 40 years took place, provoking confrontations between members of the UCR campus police and a large group of police officers from the Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ), who were apparently looking for a corrupt university transit official.

    Author PTS, Argentina
  • Latin America

    Peru: Alan García represses the miners

    15.04.2010 At least five dead is the toll left by the repression ordered by Peruvian President Alan García against the miners that were blockading the roads in southern Peru. The strike by the so-called artisanal miners began on April 5, was called against Emergency Decree which declares artisanal mining in the southern region of Peru illegal, in order to classify it as "formal mining."

    Author Celeste Murillo


  • PTS (Argentina)

  • Actualidad Nacional

    MTS (México)


    LTS (Venezuela)

  • DOSSIER : Leur démocratie et la nôtre

    CCR NPA (Francia)

  • ContraCorriente Nro42 Suplemento Especial

    Clase contra Clase (Estado Español)

  • Movimento Operário

    MRT (Brasil)

  • LOR-CI (Bolivia) Bolivia Liga Obrera Revolucionaria - Cuarta Internacional Palabra Obrera Abril-Mayo Año 2014 

Ante la entrega de nuestros sindicatos al gobierno

1° de Mayo

Reagrupar y defender la independencia política de los trabajadores Abril-Mayo de 2014 Por derecha y por izquierda

La proimperialista Ley Minera del MAS en la picota

    LOR-CI (Bolivia)

  • PTR (Chile) chile Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios Clase contra Clase 

En las recientes elecciones presidenciales, Bachelet alcanzó el 47% de los votos, y Matthei el 25%: deberán pasar a segunda vuelta. La participación electoral fue de solo el 50%. La votación de Bachelet, representa apenas el 22% del total de votantes. 

¿Pero se podrá avanzar en las reformas (cosméticas) anunciadas en su programa? Y en caso de poder hacerlo, ¿serán tales como se esperan en “la calle”? Editorial El Gobierno, el Parlamento y la calle

    PTR (Chile)

  • RIO (Alemania) RIO (Alemania) Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation Klasse gegen Klasse 

Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

Die Europäische Union präsentiert sich als Vereinigung Europas. Doch diese imperialistische Allianz hilft dem deutschen Kapital, andere Teile Europas und der Welt zu unterwerfen. MarxistInnen kämpfen für die Vereinigten Sozialistischen Staaten von Europa! 

Widerstand im Spanischen Staat 

Am 15. Mai 2011 begannen Jugendliche im Spanischen Staat, öffentliche Plätze zu besetzen. Drei Jahre später, am 22. März 2014, demonstrierten Hunderttausende in Madrid. Was hat sich in diesen drei Jahren verändert? Editorial Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

    RIO (Alemania)

  • Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica) Costa Rica LRS En Clave Revolucionaria Noviembre Año 2013 N° 25 

Los cuatro años de gobierno de Laura Chinchilla han estado marcados por la retórica “nacionalista” en relación a Nicaragua: en la primera parte de su mandato prácticamente todo su “plan de gobierno” se centró en la “defensa” de la llamada Isla Calero, para posteriormente, en la etapa final de su administración, centrar su discurso en la “defensa” del conjunto de la provincia de Guanacaste que reclama el gobierno de Daniel Ortega como propia. Solo los abundantes escándalos de corrupción, relacionados con la Autopista San José-Caldera, los casos de ministros que no pagaban impuestos, así como el robo a mansalva durante los trabajos de construcción de la Trocha Fronteriza 1856 le pusieron límite a la retórica del equipo de gobierno, que claramente apostó a rivalizar con el vecino país del norte para encubrir sus negocios al amparo del Estado. martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 Chovinismo y militarismo en Costa Rica bajo el paraguas del conflicto fronterizo con Nicaragua

    Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica)

  • Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay) Uruguay Grupo de la FT-CI Estrategia Revolucionaria 

El año que termina estuvo signado por la mayor conflictividad laboral en más de 15 años. Si bien finalmente la mayoría de los grupos en la negociación salarial parecen llegar a un acuerdo (aún falta cerrar metalúrgicos y otros menos importantes), los mismos son un buen final para el gobierno, ya que, gracias a sus maniobras (y las de la burocracia sindical) pudieron encausar la discusión dentro de los marcos del tope salarial estipulado por el Poder Ejecutivo, utilizando la movilización controlada en los marcos salariales como factor de presión ante las patronales más duras que pujaban por el “0%” de aumento. Entre la lucha de clases, la represión, y las discusiones de los de arriba Construyamos una alternativa revolucionaria para los trabajadores y la juventud

    Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay)