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Thatcher has died / The new Pope and the Argentine Junta / Floods in Argentina / Cyprus bailout... and more
14 Apr 2013 |
Fracción Trotskista Cuarta Internacional

Margaret Thatcher has died

Goodbye, the working class and the oppressed of the world are not going to miss you

When the news item became known, in Brixton (a neighborhood in South London), in Glasgow (Scotland), and certainly in more than one miners’ town, many people went out to the street by way of celebration.

Bergoglio was elected Pope
The crisis of the Catholic Church

The Conclave (a closed meeting, from the Latin for “with a key”) of 115 Cardinals, that has just voted for a new Pope, was much quicker than was estimated and, surprisingly, elected Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, from Argentina, from now on, Francis I.


The storm is natural; the deaths and the disaster are not

The history of Argentina in the years of rule by the Kirchners could well be told through the social crimes that took place under their governments. Cromañon at the end of 2004, the Massacre at Once in February, last year, or those dead because of the storm, in Holy Week, exactly a year ago.

Christian Castillo, national leader of the PTS, made a statement after floods
Floods in Buenos Aires: 48 fatalities: ‘A new social crime against the people’

Christian Castillo, national leader of the PTS (Partido de Trabajadores Socialistas), made a statement after floods caused chaos in parts of Buenos Aires City and Buenos Aires province.

Kirchnerism begins to lose its grip on the workers’ movement

With the government priding itself that the only opposition to its policies was coming from the right, the first national workers’ strike against the Kirchner government took place on November 20th. The last general strike in Argentina was on December 13th, 2001, a week before the government of Fernando de la Rúa fell during the uprising.

Economic crisis

German imperialism has imposed humiliating conditions on Cyprus

Chancellor Angela Merkel, together with the IMF and the European Central Bank, has succeeded, under extreme circumstances, in imposing draconian and humiliating economic conditions on Cyprus.

A new phase in the crisis of the euro

The decision of the European Union (EU) and the Cypriot government to confiscate part of the deposits of small savers indicates a stepping up by the creditor countries to avoid, at all costs, the devaluation of the mountain of debt...

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FT Sister Organizations
The Trotskyist Fraction - Fourth International (FT-CI) consists of the PTS (Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas/ Socialist Workers Party), from Argentina, the MTS (Movimiento de Trabajadores Socialistas/ Socialist Workers Movement), from México, the LOR-CI (Liga Obrera Revolucionaria por la Cuarta Internacional/ Revolutionary Workers League - Fourth International), from Bolivia, MRT (Movimento Revolucionário de Trabalhadores/ Revolutionary Workers Movement), from Brazil, PTR-CcC (Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios/ Revolutionary Workers Party), from Chile, LTS (Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo/ Workers League for Socialism) from Venezuela, LRS (Liga de la Revolución Socialista/ Socialist Revolutionary League), from Costa Rica, CcC (Clase Contra Clase/ Class against Class), from the Spanish State, FT-CI supporters in Uruguay, RIO Group, from Germany and FT-CI militants in the CCR/Plateforme 3 du NPA (Nuveau Parti Anticapitaliste)/ Platform 3 NPA (New Anticapitalist Party) from France.

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